Thursday, June 20, 2013

15 Strategies Educators Can Use to Stop Cyberbullying

Post 9 - Article 8

I believe that as technology is emerging and more people are beginning to use different types of social media sites that it is important to know how to address these types of things. As future teachers we need to know the best possible way to protect our children and teach them how to protect themselves against such things as cyberbullying. It seems to hit children at a younger age than ever now because even my 12 year old niece has come to me with issues she has come across on social media sites. We need to help our children understand that these types of things are not acceptable in the real world or online either. Teachers as well as parents should teach these types of things to their children at an earlier age and if they do not follow then they should not be allowed to use the internet. This site gives many useful and helpful tips on how to go about teaching your children about cyberbullying and how to avoid it. There are so many ways teachers and parents can go about teaching these things to their children and I feel like this site is a very good example of how to do so.

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