Thursday, June 6, 2013

Understanding the Future of Technology in the Classroom

Post 3 - Article 2

Reading through this article and the one linked through it, I have many thoughts going through my mind. The first article states pretty much that technology is always growing. The older we get the less we seem to be in what's "new" to the younger generation and more and more children are learning how to work technology at younger ages. It is important for adults to keep up with technology because a lot of the time it can benefit you when you have to teach your children or if you are a teacher yourself and are able to use it in the classroom. As I was reading the article attached about bitcoins, there were many good ideas throughout this article. For example it stated in the middle of the article that we need to minimize the disadvantages and optimize the advantages that each new technology presents. This can be true in so many ways. I've heard a lot of the older generation preach about how you need to stick to the old way things were done, but when you think about it there are always bigger and better things out there for people to use. Sure there are some downfalls to some technologies in certain ways, but you should grasp what each is capable of and how it may help one student learn better than another. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that all children are different and not one learns the same way as another so you need to have all the resources you can available for this exact reason.

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