Thursday, June 20, 2013

How Teachers are Using Technology at Home and in Their Classrooms

Post 10 - Article 9

This article pretty much just summed up the impact that technology has on everyone, but especially the impact it has on educators and future educators. Sure it requires teachers to be up to date and have to know more information, but all the information they take in and learn about is able to be used in the classroom. Technology gives teachers access to almost anything they could want for their classroom as well as better communication with parents of their students. Technology is gaining such a strong role in the classrooms. Teachers are even beginning to let students use their cell phones and ipads in the classroom to complete or assist with certain assignments. Many students, in fact, work better with such assistance because it helps them to focus more with something they are interested in. More students have access to such technologies in the schools rather than at home so the children need to get that experience somewhere if they are not able to get it at home.

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