Thursday, June 6, 2013

Teens, Social Media and Privacy

Post 4 - Article 3

After reading this article about social media, it made me realize just how much the importance of social media in people's lives has jumped. I know when I was younger the least of my concerns was getting on the computer for a social network. I only learned of them from hearing about others talking about it at school and decided I had to have one. This article shows just how much of a drastic change social media has made in such a short amount of time. Every network has almost doubled in a few short years. It is telling of how more and more people are sharing more of their private life on their networks and telling about themselves more than they did in the past. I know I realize now more about what I post than I use to in the past. I take into consideration that when I am becoming a teacher that my possible employers will research me online to see what I have available for the world to see. Although the social media world is evolving more, I think people realizing what you post can come back to haunt you is something important to think about in life. I think just because it is evolving so quickly and people are putting so much about themselves out there that we should be sure to educate the upcoming generations about all of this.

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