Thursday, June 13, 2013

10 of the Best Virtual Field Trips (2)

Post 6 - Article 5
After looking through the website I chose two of the ten websites that I liked the best for a virtual field trip.

I believe The Hershey Company virtual field trip would be an interesting experience for children to watch. This website shows you first hand what the inside of a factory looks like and what is required of you if you were to work there also. This virtual field trip shows videos of the raw ingredients, Cocoa bean processing, milling and pressing, mixing the ingredients, refining and making the actually products. I never realized that there was so much that went into just making a simple piece of chocolate until now. I find that this website could be very informative for children and also interesting. Especially if the teacher was to give out a little piece of chocolate at the end to the students to make it all the more enjoyable.

This virtual tour could be one of the most useful tools for a teacher when teaching about the president or the government. I guess I never fully realized just how big the white house actually was until I saw it all out on this website. There are some very nice pictures and descriptions of a lot of parts of the white house. For example, I never knew the white house had it's own florist to decorate for events and such. I would most definitely use this website for my classroom and for my nieces and nephews as well.

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