Thursday, June 20, 2013

Parts of a Plant Concept Map

Parts of a Plant

I.    Leaf

A leaf is made of many layers that are sandwiched between two layers of tough skin cells (called the epidermis). The epidermis also secretes a waxy substance called the cuticle. These layers protect the leaf from insects, bacteria, and other pests. The leaves are the powerhouses of the plants. Leaves are the major site of production of food and keep the plant alive. The leaves are what help to keep the photosynthesis process going.

A.  Simple Leaf

B.  Compound Leaf


1.   Pinnately and Twice Pinnately Compound Leaves


II.    Pollen

A.  Grass

B.  Goldenrod

C.  Pine

D.  Birch

III.    Stem

Stems do many things. They support the plant. They act like the plant's plumbing system, conducting water and nutrients from the roots and food in the form of glucose from the leaves to other plant parts. Stems can be herbaceous like the bendable stem of a daisy or woody like the trunk of an oak tree. The stem can also come in many different shapes and sizes and acts as a food storage site for the plant.

A.  Herbaceous Stems

B.  Ligneous Stems

IV.    Root

The root system of a plant constantly provides the stems and leaves with water and dissolved minerals.  In order to accomplish this the roots must grow into new regions of the soil.  The growth and metabolism of the plant root system is supported by the process of photosynthesis occurring in the leaves. Photosynthate from the leaves is transported via the phloem to the root system.   Root structure aids in this process.The roots have many purposes, but the most important is that it anchors and support plants.

A.  Tap Root System

B.  Fibrous Root System

V.    Seed

There are two types of seed plants: conifers--or cone bearing--and flowering. Both use seeds to disburse and propagate, meaning the seeds are used to distribute new plants to areas away from the parent plant. Seeds are the fully developed, fertilized ovules of the plant. The ovules contain the female gametophyte which is the structure containing the egg cell. Once the eggs are fertilized, the embryo of the plant develops and the ovule becomes a seed.

A.  Gymnosperms

B.  Angiosperm

VI.    Flower

Most flowers are located on the top of plants and are in a circular shape. Flowers are the main way of reproduction for a plant and how more flowers are made. Flowers can come in many shapes and sizes, but the flowers that come in bright colors get the attention of the insects who are the pollinators. They help a plant population in an area mix its properties enough to be ready to survive changes in the environment. Just like every other species, flowers can come in male and female as well.

A.  Petals

B.  Stigma

C.  Pistol

How Teachers are Using Technology at Home and in Their Classrooms

Post 10 - Article 9

This article pretty much just summed up the impact that technology has on everyone, but especially the impact it has on educators and future educators. Sure it requires teachers to be up to date and have to know more information, but all the information they take in and learn about is able to be used in the classroom. Technology gives teachers access to almost anything they could want for their classroom as well as better communication with parents of their students. Technology is gaining such a strong role in the classrooms. Teachers are even beginning to let students use their cell phones and ipads in the classroom to complete or assist with certain assignments. Many students, in fact, work better with such assistance because it helps them to focus more with something they are interested in. More students have access to such technologies in the schools rather than at home so the children need to get that experience somewhere if they are not able to get it at home.

15 Strategies Educators Can Use to Stop Cyberbullying

Post 9 - Article 8

I believe that as technology is emerging and more people are beginning to use different types of social media sites that it is important to know how to address these types of things. As future teachers we need to know the best possible way to protect our children and teach them how to protect themselves against such things as cyberbullying. It seems to hit children at a younger age than ever now because even my 12 year old niece has come to me with issues she has come across on social media sites. We need to help our children understand that these types of things are not acceptable in the real world or online either. Teachers as well as parents should teach these types of things to their children at an earlier age and if they do not follow then they should not be allowed to use the internet. This site gives many useful and helpful tips on how to go about teaching your children about cyberbullying and how to avoid it. There are so many ways teachers and parents can go about teaching these things to their children and I feel like this site is a very good example of how to do so.

College Hosts Educational Technology Speaker Series

Post 8 - Article 7

After reading the article linked above, I learned just how important it can be to have conferences that involve technologies. Our technology is steadily evolving and as future teacher candidates we need to be as up to date as possible on ways to teach our children. As I was reading I saw where it stated the children were watched and got to interact with the technologies and I think everyone needs to see how it is done through each child. Teachers need to know when and where it is appropriate to incorporate such things into their lessons and where it may help or even hurt the students. I think this conference should be something required of every teacher because it will keep us all on the cutting edge and help us when it comes to teaching inside as well as outside of the classroom.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

10 Creative Ways to Use Google Tools to Maximize Learning

Post 7 - Article 6

This website shows many examples of how someone can use google to maximize their learning. A few of these I have never even thought of using until I came across this article. The main thing I found that comes in handy on this website would be google docs. You can use google docs on any computer to access anything you have saved to this program and it will help keep everything you need together in one big bundle. I use another form of google docs, but I honestly would be lost without it. All of these tools can be utilized in a classroom to benefit the teacher as well as the students. As a future teacher I just try to keep an open mind for any possibilities to change it up from the standard way of learning that may catch the children's eye. We all know that using computers in the classroom is something the children love as well.

10 of the Best Virtual Field Trips (2)

Post 6 - Article 5
After looking through the website I chose two of the ten websites that I liked the best for a virtual field trip.

I believe The Hershey Company virtual field trip would be an interesting experience for children to watch. This website shows you first hand what the inside of a factory looks like and what is required of you if you were to work there also. This virtual field trip shows videos of the raw ingredients, Cocoa bean processing, milling and pressing, mixing the ingredients, refining and making the actually products. I never realized that there was so much that went into just making a simple piece of chocolate until now. I find that this website could be very informative for children and also interesting. Especially if the teacher was to give out a little piece of chocolate at the end to the students to make it all the more enjoyable.

This virtual tour could be one of the most useful tools for a teacher when teaching about the president or the government. I guess I never fully realized just how big the white house actually was until I saw it all out on this website. There are some very nice pictures and descriptions of a lot of parts of the white house. For example, I never knew the white house had it's own florist to decorate for events and such. I would most definitely use this website for my classroom and for my nieces and nephews as well.

Giving Ipads to Kindergartners

Post 5 - Article 4

This article gives some very good points when it comes to using technology in the classroom. I noticed that they seem to be starting children younger and younger on using it in the classroom as well. Many children may benefit from using these ipads and such because of the fact that there are so many different types of learning styles. According to the article, there are many different types of programs as well as apps to download to help the children. The most useful part of these ipads is the fact that you can download programs to specifically benefit certain children and the things they may be struggling with in the classroom or may need more help with. I believe, as a teacher, I would absolutely want these in my classroom to help the children get the upper advantage to learning by any means possible. Not to mention the fact that children are on Ipads, Ipods and cell phones at a younger age than ever. My friends one year old little boy learned how to unlock his mother's iphone and I just found that unbelievable, but after this article not so much.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Teens, Social Media and Privacy

Post 4 - Article 3

After reading this article about social media, it made me realize just how much the importance of social media in people's lives has jumped. I know when I was younger the least of my concerns was getting on the computer for a social network. I only learned of them from hearing about others talking about it at school and decided I had to have one. This article shows just how much of a drastic change social media has made in such a short amount of time. Every network has almost doubled in a few short years. It is telling of how more and more people are sharing more of their private life on their networks and telling about themselves more than they did in the past. I know I realize now more about what I post than I use to in the past. I take into consideration that when I am becoming a teacher that my possible employers will research me online to see what I have available for the world to see. Although the social media world is evolving more, I think people realizing what you post can come back to haunt you is something important to think about in life. I think just because it is evolving so quickly and people are putting so much about themselves out there that we should be sure to educate the upcoming generations about all of this.

Understanding the Future of Technology in the Classroom

Post 3 - Article 2

Reading through this article and the one linked through it, I have many thoughts going through my mind. The first article states pretty much that technology is always growing. The older we get the less we seem to be in what's "new" to the younger generation and more and more children are learning how to work technology at younger ages. It is important for adults to keep up with technology because a lot of the time it can benefit you when you have to teach your children or if you are a teacher yourself and are able to use it in the classroom. As I was reading the article attached about bitcoins, there were many good ideas throughout this article. For example it stated in the middle of the article that we need to minimize the disadvantages and optimize the advantages that each new technology presents. This can be true in so many ways. I've heard a lot of the older generation preach about how you need to stick to the old way things were done, but when you think about it there are always bigger and better things out there for people to use. Sure there are some downfalls to some technologies in certain ways, but you should grasp what each is capable of and how it may help one student learn better than another. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that all children are different and not one learns the same way as another so you need to have all the resources you can available for this exact reason.

The Teacher's Guide to Pinterest

Post 2 - Article 1

I found this article on pinterest to be very interesting and helpful as a future teacher candidate. This article showed so many of the ways pinterest can be used by teachers not only in the classroom, but outside of the classroom as well. Showing how to actually pin and repin the boards could be a very helpful resourse for older teachers who may not be very familiar with this type of networking. This article is pretty much a type of tutorial that can be used for anyone to learn how to use this to store things they may find useful in the future. Teacher's can use this site to soar so many different types of things and it allows them to not only store them, but also sort them by boards to make organization easier. It would also seem to come in handy when you can connect with other teachers and you are able to share things you have saved with them. Rather it be lesson plans, activities in the classroom, crafts, coloring sheets or anything else you could imagine that could come in handy in a classroom. I feel as if using Pinterest could have endless possibilities to what you can do with your students and in your classroom. This could help to enhance the quality of so many teacher's classrooms as well as find many fun things that the children will enjoy doing while still learning. I currently do have a Pinterest account, but I never used it and never really considered using it until now. It's quite possible that I will be up all night working on Pinterest now that I have figured out how it works and that it could actually benefit me professionally rather than something else to just take up my time!